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Packing Boxes: What Not To Do

l Here are a few things to think about when it comes to packing boxes for your next move. First, whether you are moving yourself or hiring professional movers, you will want to pack heavier items in smaller boxes and lighter items in bigger boxes. This will make...

Switching Up Seasonal Clothing

Winter is upon us. The earth has begun to tilt away from the sun bringing with it the cold, bitter breeze freezing all in its path. With winter setting in, it’s time to set those tank tops and flip flops aside for what we all know as winter layers. You should be...

Holiday Decoration Storage

The holiday season is just around the corner. Pumpkins and scarecrows are beginning to overlook fields and mazes as well as Christmas lights being strung from every roof. If you are like most people, retrieving these decorations from the cluttered basement or garage...