When your college semester ends, you must figure out what to do with everything you’ve accumulated in your dorm or off-campus apartment. Transporting your belongings to and from home every semester can become expensive, especially if you live far from your college. If you live far enough from your college, it can be impossible. It can be less expensive, less stressful, more secure, and less work to store your belongings in a self-storage unit between semesters, and sometimes even during the semester. Read on to find out why college students should rent a self-storage unit.
Renting a self-storage unit can save you money. A great reason why college students should rent a self-storage unit! The cost of renting a moving truck, gas, and miles adds up quickly. Self-storage units can be cheap in comparison. Additionally, ask yourself how much your time is worth. Renting a moving truck, loading, unloading, driving a large truck that you’re uncomfortable in, returning the moving truck, and unpacking your stuff into a house likely already full of stuff all takes time. If you live a little closer to your college and make several trips home and back to campus instead of renting a moving truck, that takes time also. If you rent a self-storage unit with easy access, space will be local, decluttered, and easy to move your stuff into. You can even take several local trips and move your stuff as you run other errands, making the task less arduous. If you have a summer job to return to and start making money, or if you just value your time, this is a good reason to store your belongings in a self-storage unit.
Self-storage units provide security. How long is your drive home? Will you have to stop to eat or overnight? Will your belongings remain safe in your car or moving truck rental while you’re away from it? Even if you have the option of leaving your belongings in your dorm room or apartment for the summer, will they be safe? How easy is it for someone to break into your room, knowing no one will be there for months? Most self-storage facilities offer a variety of security features, including strong heavy-duty locks, alarms, and 24/7 video surveillance. Self-storage facilities also offer climate-controlled units to protect sensitive items like musical instruments, computer equipment, and furniture.
Self-storage units also save you space. Do you want to return home after the semester to a room cluttered with both your stuff at home and the stuff you accumulated in your dorm room throughout the semester? Do your parents want you to? Save space by keeping your college stuff near college in a self-storage unit. You can even save space while you’re at college by storing items during the semester- store extra books and off-season clothing to free space in your dorm room.
Renting a self-storage unit can also help you enjoy your drive home. You’re only young once and road trips can be a fun way to see and experience new things while bonding with friends. Your trip home from college can be a fun and convenient excuse for a road trip excursion. Probably the most fun reason why college students should rent a self-storage unit! A car or moving van full of your priceless possessions can limit your ability to do this. If you have friends traveling home in the same direction that are up for a trip, can you fit them comfortably along with your belongings? Do you feel secure leaving your belongings parked on the side of the road while you go have a fun time? Will you be able to take your large moving truck with you everywhere you want to go (think camping and other excursions into nature)?
Self-storage units make moving back in easier. Leaving your belongings organized in a storage unit near campus makes both the drive back to college and moving back in next semester easier than taking your belongings home and repacking them.
Self-storage units are also an efficient use of your money. Self-storage facilities offer a variety of unit sizes, so it is easy to find the exact sized unit for your needs and only pay for that amount, allowing you to make more productive use of your other space at home.
Clean, Secure, & Affordable
Smith Valley Storage provides top quality self-storage units in Greenwood, Indiana. Our storage units provide a clean, secure, and affordable way to store your belongings. We have a variety of storage units available ranging in size and climate-controlled units. Customer service is our main priority! Rent and pay for storage units online with ease! Storage units are accessible with drive-up access 24/7. We want to provide you with an excellent self-storage experience. For more information visit www.smithvalleystorage.com or call us at 317-882-7361 today!
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Smith Valley Storage
1614 Smith Valley Road, Greenwood, IN 46142